Querying Again

Sent out two more queries for articles or press about mine and Charles' journey this year.  I want so badly for Texas Monthly to pick it up.  Why wouldn't they?  I mean, it's a jewel of a story, especially by their standards and I just can't help but think that if I keep persisting and keep sending in queries that one of these days it's going to end up in a champions hands or on the right persons desk and I'll get the call.  I think I'm stubborn enough to keep trying until I get the answer I want.  In addition to TM, I sent out a long-shot of an email to Anderson Cooper. Wouldn't that be a kick in the pants?!  

December 7, 1941

Believed to be the first bomb dropped during the
Japanese attack on Pearl Harobor - nicked from WIKI

We all know the significance of that historical date. We learned about it in school and we've seen it in movies like Pearl Harbor (2001), From Here to Eternity(1953), Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970) and the to-die-for mini-series from 1983, Winds of War. Aside from a passing acknowledgement of the day, I'm not sure that I ever paid that much attention to it. It's not a federal holiday, the banks are open and other than a flurry of newsy posting on my home page or a solemn story of a veteran's survival, I hadn't thought about how this single, catastrophic event impacted my family history and therefore, me.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt called it "a day that will live in infamy."  I realized today that this event and this day was the day that changed the course of Charles' life.  Granny Bob told me how important it was to him to volunteer - that he couldn't wait to enlist.  She said he wanted to be a pilot and an officer more than anything in the world.  Two months after Pearl Harbor, Charles drove to Dallas and enlisted with the US Army Air Force. 

I've read remembrances and articles today with a stoic appreciation for all that these men sacrificed. This whole year, and the surprising discoveries and experiences I've had because of Charles, have awakened a patriotism that I didn't realize was asleep. Today was another flag-waving day in the evolution of me.